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Scicomm Grant: Gabi Serrato Marks - Video Series on Disability in STEM

Scicomm Grant: Gabi Serrato Marks - Video Series on Disability in STEM


gabi serrato marks


Gabi Serrato Marks is a PhD student in Marine Geology and Geophysics at MIT and communicates science online in a myriad of avenues. Gabi's next endeavor will be a series of videos focusing on the intersection of science and disability.

I propose to produce 10 videos, each 1 - 2 minutes long, focused on the intersection of science and disability. These videos will be geared toward scientists with a limited understand of disability. Some of the proposed topics are:

- Disability + Ableism 101: vocabulary, overview of ableism

- Accessible scicomm: image descriptions, captions, other basic access issues

- Science + Disability story: Daisy Wislar (disabled activist and friend of mine who did not pursue science because it was so inaccessible to her)

- How to make your lab more accessible

- How to make conferences more accessible

- How to talk about your research without being ableist (especially for bio/medical researchers)

- My advice for other disabled scientists

- Fieldwork and physical disability - how to make it work

I anticipate that other topics will develop as the series unfolds. I plan to collaborate with other disabled people to paint a much fuller picture of how disability impacts scientists than I could provide on my own.

The videos are slated to be released through the Fall of 2018 and can be viewed on Gabi's Youtube or website. You should also follow her on Twitter and Instagram! She's always communicating science in fun and refreshing ways.

Curious about the other recipients of the Scicomm Grant? Read about their projects!