2025 marks the 10 year anniversary of Two Photon Art!

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Nicotine Zine

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One of our co-founders, Christine Liu, is pursuing a PhD in neuroscience at UC Berkeley. Her work in the laboratory focuses on understanding how nicotine acts on different parts of the brain. The Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program is one of the funders of her research and has funded the creation and dissemination of a zine as part of the community engagement plan. If you are a science educator and would like to receive a free copy of the zine, please fill out this form.

Read the zine by clicking here.

To download a copy of the zine to print on your own, click here.

Make sure to print the zine in landscape format, double-sided, flip on short-edge. If you want to print the cover on card stock, just load your printer with the desired cardstock and print as many copies as you need of pages 1-2. For the rest of the zine, load your printer with regular letter paper and set your printer to print pages 3-12.