2025 marks the 10 year anniversary of Two Photon Art!

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Apply to our new Small Grant Fund!
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Apply to our new Small Grant Fund!

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small scicomm grant fund

Two Photon Art is providing small grants (~$50-100) for science communication projects. Whether you have a brand new idea and need start-up funds, have skills and are looking for a project to contribute to, or have a project up and running but want some extra funds to take it to the next step, we want to help!

To apply, email hello@twophotonart.com a single pdf document with a cover letter and up to 3 items in your portfolio  that you would like to showcase. All images should be embedded within the pdf document. Links to videos and other multimedia projects can be pasted in the document. Choose works that capture the essence of what you'd like to create. While we specialize in zines, you are not limited to creating a paper-based project. You are welcome to think outside of the box!


The cover letter should include:

- previous experience (how you know you can and will accomplish this project)

- brief summary of your idea including proposed deliverables

- sample budget and amount of funds requested

- proposed timeline and date of completion

- how your project will reach the public/broader community


Applications due by June 30, 2018.


There are no restrictions to topics for the science communication small grant fund. Primarily, keep in mind that our goal is to make science more accessible. Some topics may be chemistry of skincare, profiles of current scientists / science activists and their efforts, history of a scientific field, etc. Don’t limit yourself to what you think is interesting to other people; create something you’re passionate about sharing!


We may introduce you to other applicants if you have similar goals and interests. Of course, you are under no obligation to work with each other, but a huge part of why we are starting this fund is due to all of the great people who approach us to collaborate. There are so many talented people out there to collaborate with and we want to help you form new partnerships when we don’t have the time to start new projects.


Currently, we will only be funding well developed proposals. If you don’t have a concrete idea yet and are interested in working with others and lending your skills as an artist, programmer, scientist, web developer, etc, you can still submit a letter of interest and we may be able to introduce you to others that have similar goals and compatible skill sets. Once you have a developed idea, you can apply for the small grant. We hope to offer many of these grants over time.